
Carica Papaya

the papaya tree is native to Central America and is very widespread in the Caribbean. It has a fast growth and gives fruits in less than 1 year. the fruits grow on the trunk above the leaves, ovoid in shape, it is generally orange-yellow or pink inside, the tree can be Male Female or Hermaphrodite. the female papaya tree flowers and gives fruit all year round while the male papaya tree will only give flowers. Precaution Papaya latex can cause dermatitis. Avoid consuming green or underripe papaya in case of pregnancy, as they could have an abortifacient effect.

papayer Mâle    papayer femelle

fleurs papaye mâles   fleur de papaye femelle




the leaves have virtues of strengthening the immune system, anti-flu, anti-inflammatory and would be an excellent way to fight against dengue fever thanks to the juice of the leaves. Fruits are rich in vitamins C and provitamin A and are also a great aid in digestion. consumption: papaya is eaten as a fruit or vegetable in salads, in desserts such as bavarois, juices, and other jelly jams etc.

20191023 154753

Last edited: 07/06/2024

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