Bokaz garden

The bokaz garden is an agricultural space adjoining the kaz of yesteryear lontan. Its existence is born from the slavery period in the West Indies, in the cohabitation of deported Africans and the master of the colonial house. the latter had to lodge him and his his family often at the bottom of the dwelling of the owners. In spite of their precarious conditions the individuals organize themselves and thanks to their ancestral knowledge they create a garden capable of being self-sufficient. As the waves of post-colonial immigration progress, the garden gains in diversity and optimization of the agricultural culture brought by the new occupants of the island. The contribution of all this knowledge, in cultural techniques, and in plant diversity has given birth to a self-sufficient and autonomous agro-environment, whether for food or health. With regard to the so-called Creole kaz, it has improved over the decades and its architecture has stood the test of time. low to medium).


Table of a colonial dwelling

Habitation creole

Photo Current of a 31 year old traditional Caribbean house


in terms of food needs, there are legumes such as pigeon peas, boucous peas, fruits such as apple bananas, dessert poto bananas cucurbits such as pumpkin, pikinga or eggplant

gousse de pois d'angoles

Banane pommes


Leaves, fruits, roots and flowers are used in different modes of preparation depending on the pathology to be treated.

It is important to specify that it is necessary to respect the dosages because the bad use of certain plants can harm health.


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Last edited: 07/06/2024

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